In March, 2010 a single 966 gram meteorite was found by an irrigation worker from Mexico while prospecting for meteorites in the hope of adding to the success he had while living within the Allende strewnfield where he and his family recovered some 20 kg over the course of twenty years. It was found about a quarter mile from the town of Hart, in Castro County, Texas. It has been classified as CK3.
Visually, the exterior is reminiscent of Dimmit or Plainview with low magnetic susceptibility which was the initial thought when purchased from the owner. Only after cutting did the abundance of multi-colored dense
chondrules demand a full classification. The type specimen was sent to Tony Irving at the University of Washington where it was determined to be a CK3, one of only two North American CK's and it's only CK3.
There are only 12 other CK3's worldwide. Eight are from Northwest Africa, two from Oman, one from the Camel Donga strewnfield in Australia, and one stone from Antarctica. The total weight of all known CK3's prior to Hart, TX was only 1795.4 grams.
These specimens represent the only pieces available to collectors as the 432.83g main mass and 322.09g end cut are in private collections so along with the type sample and cutting losses, there is not much material to go around. This might be the time to add the only CK3 from the US to your collection!
Meteoritical Bulletin entry for Hart, Texas:
Click here for the Official classification of Hart, Texas